Real stories from people like you

Sometimes it’s hard to believe how much being active can improve your life. Sure, it all sounds good but will it really work for someone like you? The answer is yes, just look at all the people who have already changed their lives for the better by being more active.

We invited local people from our community to tell us their stories and share how being active has changed their lives for the better. Their inspiring stories are living proof of how people of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities can join and in and feel good. It’s the right fit for them, it could be the right fit for you.

Patricia - 10-minute motivations

Patricia - 10-minute motivations

Patricia used tai chi and dance as a way to ease her recovery from stress. Doing these activities regularly helps her feel calmer, stronger and more alert. Plus, she didn’t start until she was 52, so it’s never too late to join in.

Naheed - 10-minute motivations

Naheed - 10-minute motivations

Naheed struggled with really high cholesterol until she decided to get active and change her life for the better. Now she’s reduced her cholesterol, boosted her energy levels and become a great role model for her children.